Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My BFFs and I #23

My BFFs and I

Having best friends is like having everything. You can ask them things, you can tell them stuff, they can make you laugh, and you can be there for them and they will be there for you.

I've got my three besties. Together we are a group of four. We're all different, we all like different things, but we still make it work. The one problem is that this year I will not be going to school with them. I am being home schooled so that I can peruse my dreams at being a famous dancer, actress, and singer. My dance teacher, Buddy Schwimmer, Lacey Schwimmer's dad, wants me to be home schooled so that I can travel to do dance competitions that are not near by. So I am hoping that I can still be friends with them. That we can still all go over to one another's houses so I can still see them. I'll miss you Cameron, Isabelle, and Sydney!

I was searching for something today on Google and I found a picture and it reminds me of us four. It also inspired me to do this post.

             Syd is the first girl        I am the second    Cam is third              Izzy is the fourth                                 

Fashion Anniversary

Fashionista Elementary 25th Post and Year Anniversary Coming Up

Happy Anniversary to Fashionista Elementary! August 17 2012 was the very first post and that time is coming around again. On August 17 2013, will be the most juicy and exiting post ever. Here's a preview...

In  the August post will be last minute school clothes advice and where to get adorable backpacks at the last second! Also some fall tips too!, and a huge surprise you won't want to miss.

Movie Review

Teen Beach Movie

Teen Beach Movie should be named, Tween Beach Movie. It was kind of cheesy but some parts were good and others were great. It was better for the littler kids but it was really good!

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